
Posts tagged “rotherwas enterprise zone

Energy behind the new brand for Herefordshire – Here You Can have an Enterprise Zone

Reports today are all around the launch of a new brand for Herefordshire – Here You Can.  This will feed into areas such as INVEST YOU CAN for inward investment.
There will be derivatives for tourism, manufacturing, construction and the voluntary sector.

In addition a bull outline will form part of the logo.


Herefordshire Enterprise Zone will have Eastern Access Across the River Wye

It’s looking increasingly certain the Hereford Enterprise Zone at Rotherwas will have an Eastern river crossing as well as the planned Hereford Western bypass bringing the number of Wye crossing points to 5 within four miles of the City.

One proposal for a grand new Wye Enterprise  Bridge in Herefordshire

Wye Enterprise Bridge

While there may be concerns from green campaigners, the access brought by a road on columns across the valley floor leading from Rotherwas  will take as much as 45 minutes off the journey time to the M5 Worcester South Junction 7.  Minimal damage will occur to wildlife as due to the flood plain the road will be a magnificent structure sitting around 5 metres off the vally floor well away from plants and animals including livestock in the fields below.

It will also give access out to Gloucester via the B4224 and serve for quick routes for local traffic on the under used lanes and B roads on the East of the City of Hereford.

This development could be delivered in as little as 3 years and should be seen as a serious development in infrastructure connectivity between the Herefordshire  Enterprise Zone and the Midlands.

Hereford Enterprise Zone makes Herefordshire “the most investable place in Britain”

Our research this week shows Herefordshire with its planned and approved Enterprise Zone is among the most investable places in Britain.

Only Manchester and the traditional financial heartlands of the South East challenge rural Herefordshire for the opportunity to invest.

Cllr Jarvis Leader of Herefordshire Council with a single seat majority

Conservative pressure has had a tremendous effect in Herefordshire since Jesse Norman took the seat from the Lib Dems at the last election.  In addition Herefordshire Council is also tory controlled but with only a single seat majority.

For all investment and support enquiries please enquire as a reply to the editor.

Herefordshire Business Summit

Herefordshire Business Summit Invitation from Jesse Norman MP below – relevant to anyone looking to invest in the future of Herefordshire and in particular the architecture and development of the Hereford Enterprise Zone.

Tuesday 27 September at The Courtyard Theatre, Edgar Street Hereford, HR4 9JR


0830       Registration and coffee


0900       Introduction & Welcome

Cllr John Jarvis – Leader, Herefordshire Council


0915       Herefordshire – an Enterprising County

Cllr Roger Phillips – Cabinet Member, Economic Development, Herefordshire Council Herefordshire Council has ambitious plans to increase the wealth of the County through the growth of existing businesses and by attracting new investors


0935       Confidence and Identity

Neil Kerr – Chairman, Herefordshire Business Board, Marches LEP HBB has already achieved great success with the new Enterprise Zone.  Here Neil Kerr introduces its new branding and distinctive identity for Herefordshire, focused on competitive advantage


0955       Hereford Enterprise Zone – an introduction

Ray Stone – Chairman, Hereford EZ Ltd

As a catalyst for enhanced economic growth the EZ will accelerate demographic change and become a platform for higher technology enterprises


1015       Questions and discussion with the panel of speakers


1045       Coffee


1115       The Government’s Agenda – Driving Economic Growth

Jesse Norman MP – Hereford and South Herefordshire Jesse will be talking about the county, the economy and Government plans to promote economic growth


1130       Forum:  Growth & success – how can government, locally and nationally, help business?

Panel: Jesse Norman MP, Bill Wiggin MP, John Jarvis, Roger Phillips Provoked by Lucy Armstrong (Chair, CBI’s SME Council) and two Herefordshire Entrepreneurs Chris Marshall (CEO, GRC Ltd) & Lucy Wood (founder of Woods of Whitchurch), the audience shares its ideas as to what more needs to do be done to help accelerate growth in the County.


1300       Concluding Remarks

Jesse Norman MP


1310       Buffet Lunch


Organised by the Herefordshire Conservative Business Forum £20 per person, to include refreshments on arrival & mid-morning followed by finger-buffet lunch

Hereford Enterprise Zone, Rotherwas Herefordshire – what’s the offer

Rotherwas Enterprise Zone – in Hereford led by the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership proposes:

news for Hereford Enterprise zone rotherwas herefordshire

  • Size: three sites covering 61.5 hectares;
  • Sector focus: defence, advanced engineering, green technologies and food processing;
  • Tax break: Save business £4 million in forgone business rates;
  • Job creation: Local Enterprise Partnership estimates at least 55 businesses and 1,800 jobs will be created by 2015;
  • Planning: Simplified regime to provide certainty for business wanting to build;
  • Broadband: Wireless service 20MB line speeds but can deliver 100MB speeds.  A fibre optic option available through the Hereford BDUK Superfast Broadband project (up to 100MB) by 2013;
  • Investment: Expecting at least £90m from the private sector by 2015.

Hereford Enterprise Zone Announced

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a second wave of Enterprise Zones designed to kick-start Britain’s economy.

External site: Department for Communities and Local Government – Enterprise Zones

External site: Transcript of the PM’s speech in Daresbury

Mr Cameron said the sites, which aim to boost local growth and create over 30,000 new jobs by 2015, would be “trailblazers” for prosperity throughout the country.



The second wave of Enterprise Zone will be located in:

  • Humber Estuary Renewable Energy Super Cluster;
  • Daresbury Science Campus in Warrington;
  • Newquay AeroHub in Cornwall;
  • The Solent Enterprise Zone at Daedalus Airfield in Gosport;
  • MIRA Technology Park in Hinckley Leicestershire;
  • Rotherwas Enterprise Zone in Hereford;
  • Discovery Park in Sandwich, Kent and Enterprise West Essex in Harlow;
  • Science Vale UK in Oxfordshire;
  • Northampton Waterside;
  • Alconbury Airfield, near Huntingdon in Cambridgeshire; and
  • Great Yarmouth in Norfolk, and Lowestoft in Suffolk.

The Government named the first 11 zones in the Spring, in cities including Manchester, Birmingham and Newcastle.

This brings the total to 22 across the country. The Zones will attract hundreds of new start up firms, with simplified planning rules, super-fast broadband and over £150 million tax breaks for new businesses over the next 4 years.

The PM said:

“We are determined to do everything we can to make Britain the best place in the world to start and grow a business.

“Enterprise zones are a major step towards delivering this, cutting business taxes, easing planning restrictions and giving business the tools they need to invest and expand.

“These new enterprise zones will be trailblazers for growth, jobs and prosperity throughout the country.”

Alongside the new Zones, the Government is also announcing today that it will make enhanced capital allowances available for plant and machinery investment to a limited number of Enterprise Zones in Assisted Areas, including the Tees Valley and North East.

With effect from 2012, companies setting up in these areas will be eligible to claim enhanced first year allowances for plant and machinery, giving them an upfront cash flow benefit.

The introduction of Enterprise Zones is just one of over 100 reforms being taken forward as part of the Government’s Plan for Growth, announced in the Chancellor’s Budget 2011, to create the conditions for strong, sustainable and balanced growth.