

Rotherwas Enterprise Zone means jobs, homes and schools

The new businesses drawn into the Rotherwas Enterprise Zone will mean more than just profits for the organisations directors and investors behind the companies.  The real result will be new roads including access across the Wye and Lugg Valleys not possible without the considerable financial and politcal incentives at stake for the Government following the backing of David Cameron.
For people of the area there will be jobs, new homes and improved schools.
This is real regeneration in action.  For help, contact
For the Enterprise Zone, contact Herefordshire Council.

New Year excitement as Prime Minister David Cameron visits Hereford Enterprise Zone

David Cameron will be touring the UK Enterprise Zones with an early 2012 visit to Jesse Norman and the Hereford Enterprise Zone in Rotherwas on January 5th

Senior members of the Hereford business community, the Enterprise Zone Board and local Conservatives will be in attendance while the Prime Minister tours the site for the Herefordshire Enterprise Zone and views the route for the proposed new bridge across the river Wye East of the City of Hereford.

“It’s a great boost for Herefordshire that the PM is taking this seriously enough to visit so early in 2012”.





Eastern Bypass and Rotherwas cycle route takes shape

The Eastern road improvements are progressing at tremendous pace.  The improvements include development of the cycle route as part of connect 2, linking Hereford to Rotherwas and then on to Holme Lacy some 3 miles away.

The bridge over the river Wye a little further on through Holme Lacy is thought to be the favourite for further

The Holme Lacy Bridge

deveopment to allow HGV’s to cross the river and head North.

With 30 serious enquiries already being progressed for businesses to relocate to the Hereford Enterprise Zone, Herefordshire is certainly open for business.

Hereford Enterprise Zone Northern Magazine asbestos removal ahead of schedule

Great news is emerging as the asbestos removal and ground preparations are running ahead of schedule.

Asbestos Removal on Hereford Enterprise Zone nearly complete

With so much asbestos contamination it was thought it could take until the new year to identify and remove all contamination.  However perfect weather and clear land following the land clearance of recent years has made it possible to complete the clearance well ahead of time with contractors thought to be off site as early as next month.

Great news for businesses looking to develop premises in the Enterprise Zone and make use of everything that Rotherwas and Herefordshire has to offer.

Telegraph restaurant review The Butchers Arms, Woolhope, Herefordshire,

There is proper British country pub fayre at The Butchers Arms restaurant in Woolhope, Herefordshire.

4.5 out of 5 stars

The Butchers Arms, Woolhope, Herefordshire

The Butchers Arms, Woolhope, Herefordshire HR1 4RF
Contact 01432 860281;
Price Three courses with a couple of pints, or half a bottle of wine and coffee: £35-40 per head

For a man whose first career was in advertising, Stephen Bull is no huge fan of the hard sell. “It’s all much of a muchness, really,” replied the owner of The Butchers Arms near Hereford when asked to recommend a couple of his dishes. “All pretty mediocre.”

This is not, you may already have guessed, your average superchef. Like his fellow sexagenarian, Shaun Hill of The Walnut Tree in Monmouthshire, Bull is one of the revered granddaddies of the hybrid cuisine we know for shorthand as “Modern British”. Also like Hill, he is given neither to portraying his work as high art nor to the histrionics of countless younger, lesser cooks. For these, the Sunshine Boys of British food, it is all about taking the best ingredients and bringing out their flavours, not showing off their considerable technical brilliance or flashing us their egos.


Road Improvements will allow Heavy Goods Vehicles East of the City

Hereford Enterprise Zone has it’s first lift as work has started on road improvements to the East of the city.

Road widening has started that will make the road suitable for HGV’s where currently up to 2000 cars a day travel.

The road is one of the safest in Herefordshire and gives fast access to the East of the City and the Worcester Road.  There is clear intent to make this road an alternative access to our Enterprise Zone while the bridge and Hereford bypass is built to the West.

This is great news for all businessess considering a development on Rotherwas and the Hereford Enterprise Zone.

Energy behind the new brand for Herefordshire – Here You Can have an Enterprise Zone

Reports today are all around the launch of a new brand for Herefordshire – Here You Can.  This will feed into areas such as INVEST YOU CAN for inward investment.
There will be derivatives for tourism, manufacturing, construction and the voluntary sector.

In addition a bull outline will form part of the logo.


Herefordshire Enterprise Zone will have Eastern Access Across the River Wye

It’s looking increasingly certain the Hereford Enterprise Zone at Rotherwas will have an Eastern river crossing as well as the planned Hereford Western bypass bringing the number of Wye crossing points to 5 within four miles of the City.

One proposal for a grand new Wye Enterprise  Bridge in Herefordshire

Wye Enterprise Bridge

While there may be concerns from green campaigners, the access brought by a road on columns across the valley floor leading from Rotherwas  will take as much as 45 minutes off the journey time to the M5 Worcester South Junction 7.  Minimal damage will occur to wildlife as due to the flood plain the road will be a magnificent structure sitting around 5 metres off the vally floor well away from plants and animals including livestock in the fields below.

It will also give access out to Gloucester via the B4224 and serve for quick routes for local traffic on the under used lanes and B roads on the East of the City of Hereford.

This development could be delivered in as little as 3 years and should be seen as a serious development in infrastructure connectivity between the Herefordshire  Enterprise Zone and the Midlands.

Hereford Enterprise Zone – News for existing Herefordshire Businesses

Herefordshire Businesses have opportunity to make the most of Herefordshires Enterprise Zone on Rotherwas,

Get in touch for specialist advice and support.

Stressed out council staff prompts rise in sick days

Stressed out council staff prompts rise in sick days

The number of council staff needing time off because of stress has shot up 60 per cent since the recession has taken hold.

Last year 97 staff members took the equivalent of 1,481 days off work due to stress, compared with 61 people taking 1,214 days off in 2008-09, according to figures obtained using the Freedom of Information Act.

Union leaders blamed redundancies, and changes to working conditions as the council seeks to merge services with neighbouring boroughs.

Nadine Houghton, from the GMB union in Kingston, said: “Managers and councillors can underestimate what is essentially a hidden illness.

“Sometimes what a person may say to a manager is quite different to what they may feel as there is an element of fear.

“Our concern is what Kingston Council is doing is creating quite general job roles and fewer specialists.

“There is a requirement staff have to carry out more work on a broader scale, and there are concerns about mergers with other councils, which adds to the stress.

“People do not want to say they cannot do this as they are worried about their job.”

A total of 65 staff were made redundant last year, compared with a previous high of 37 in 2007-08, although the council denied there was a causal link between the two sets of figures.

The number of staff days lost due to stress was 2,774 five years ago but, despite the council cutting hundreds of posts, the number of staff absent through stress has almost returned to the 2006-07 level of 106.